APrIGF-APSIG 2022 Fellowship Applications Open!

Apr 28, 2022 | Fellowship, News

This year, as we are excited to bring back the face-to-face component to the conference, we are joining forces with Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG) to bring you a Joint Fellowship Program which allows Fellows to attend both APrIGF and APSIG in Singapore. The aim of the APrIGF and APSIG Fellowships is to bring diversity into the Internet Governance community by fostering the participation of underrepresented communities in the Internet Governance discussions. Through the program, fellows can develop a greater understanding of pressing and emerging Internet Governance issues in the Asia-Pacific region and globally, and network with peers from diverse Internet Governance fields.

Joint Fellowship Program Sponsors and Partners

APrIGF-APSIG Joint Fellowship applications are open to both new and experienced participants. Selected Fellows may be offered a full or partial fellowship, depending on the evaluation of the joint Fellowship Committee based on a points system with the set of criteria listed below. The number of selected fellows from the large number of applications we expect to receive will be limited by the funding that is available for our Joint Fellowship Program this year.

Fellowship Applications: 28 April 2022 (Thu) 00:00UTC – 25 May 2022 (Wed) 23:59UTC

Fellowship Program 2022 Results Announcement: On or before 30 June 2022

Eligibility: Individuals residing in the Asia-Pacific region according to the combined list of economies defined by APrIGF and APSIG below.

East Asia North Asia Southeast Asia South Asia
China Russia Brunei Afghanistan
Hong Kong Cambodia Bangladesh
Japan Christmas Island Bhutan
Macao Cocos (Keeling) Islands India
Mongolia Indonesia Maldives
North Korea Lao People’s Democratic Republic Nepal
South Korea Malaysia Pakistan
Taiwan Myanmar Sri Lanka
Viet Nam
American Samoa Kiribati Norfolk Island Solomon Islands
Australia Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of Tokelau
Cook Islands Micronesia Niue Tonga
Fiji Nauru Palau Tuvalu
French Polynesia Heard Island and McDonald Islands Papua New Guinea Vanuatu
French Southern Island Territories New Caledonia Pitcairn Wallis & Futuna
Guam New Zealand Samoa
Central Asia Middle East
Iran Armenia Iraq Qatar
Kazakhstan Azerbaijan Israel Saudi Arabia
Kyrgyzstan Bahrain Kuwait Syrian Arab Republic
Tajikistan Cyprus Lebanon Turkey
Turkmenistan Georgia Oman United Arab Emirates
Uzbekistan Jordan Palestine Yemen

Green: Covered by APrIGF only
Blue: Covered by APSIG only

Definition by APrIGF: https://www.aprigf.asia/documents/APrIGF-MSG-Operations-Manual_FULL_20220316.pdf#page=29
Definition by APSIG: https://meetings.icann.org/en/regions

Requirements for Selected Fellows (Must Read)


All in-person Fellows are required to be fully vaccinated as defined by Singapore before arrival. Once you have accepted the Fellowship offer, you will be asked to submit proof of full vaccination to the portal before the trip. Failure to provide vaccination proof will not be granted sponsorship for flights and accommodation.
Requirements and list of accepted vaccinations for entry into Singapore

Travel Insurance

All in-person Fellows are required to purchase travel insurance which covers a certain level of Covid-19 related costs for their trip at their own expense before arriving in Singapore. Once you have accepted the offer to be an onsite Fellow, you shall purchase travel insurance and upload details to the portal as soon as your flight is booked. Failure to obtain travel insurance will not be granted sponsorship for flights and accommodation.
Travel insurance companies recommended by Singapore authority:

Insurer Product Name & Application Page
AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte. Ltd. Singapore Travel Assist
Chubb Insurance Singapore Limited SG Travel Insured
HL Assurance Pte. Ltd. ChangiAssure Covid Insurance

Passport & Visa

Please check if you have a valid passport until the end of trip, and whether you will require a valid visa to enter Singapore. Selected fellows travelling to Singapore shall apply for visa (if necessary) at their own expense. We will be happy to assist in case you need any supporting documents for the application.
Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority – Visa Requirements

We recommend you to make use of this tool which helps you to check the latest Covid restrictions particularly for your trip:
International SOS – COVID Trip Planner

Evaluation Criteria Priorities

Nationality & City of Residence

  • Is the applicant from a developing or least developed country?
  • Does the economy / country which the applicant represents contribute to the diversity of countries?
  • Has there been relatively low participation / attendance / engagement in past conferences from the economy / country which the applicant represents?


  • Has the applicant engaged in any APrIGFs, APSIGs, global or local IG initiatives before? If so, please provide details of engagement.
  • Has the applicant participated in any international Internet Governance meetings as a resource person? Has the applicant been a speaker in any of the APrIGF sessions?
  • Does the applicant have a clear plan or vision for community engagement or other contribution to APrIGF and APSIG, after the conference?

Contribution to Diversity

  • Diversity and inclusion are essential to the values and principles of APrIGF and APSIG.
  • How can you commit to fostering and cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion in your plan?
  • How can you ensure equal representation from all the communities and support participation from marginalised groups or minority groups such as persons with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ groups, rural and remote communities etc.
  • How can your plan ensure a multistakeholder process with good governance?

Return Fellowship

  • Every past fellow is eligible to apply for the Joint Fellowships again, but no person may be granted with APrIGF or APSIG Fellowships more than twice. (The year of 2020 is excluded because there was no financial support provided to the selected fellows.)
  • To encourage new faces, past fellows are less likely to be accepted than new applicants in general. However, there is an exception for 2020 fellows who did not receive any financial support, and they are welcome to apply again as new applicants this year.

Engagement Requirements of Fellows


  • Attend online introductory course(s) on Internet Governance as designated.
  • Attend the pre-conference preparation webinars for Fellows.
  • Join the 2022 Fellows mailing list discussions.
  • Register for the conference.
  • Coordinate with the assigned buddy group and attend group coordination calls.
  • Participate in APrIGF Synthesis Document development process.
  • Make use of your connections and social media presence to promote the event, sessions and activities, by actively sharing information to your community, or creating and sharing posts online.

During Conference

  • Participate in the capacity building sessions.
  • Attend all sessions in 3 days of the APSIG program.
  • Coordinate within the assigned buddy group and at least 50% of all sessions during the 3-day APrIGF main conference.
  • Attend Fellows-Mentors meet-up sessions and report to the mentor about the sessions they have attended.
  • Join in various activities with the assistance of Mentors/Fellowship Committee. For example (but not limited to):
    • To contribute to a session as a panelist / speaker / contributor.
    • To organize with other Fellows a short session on a particular IG topic.
    • To coordinate and work among the buddy group to provide a summary report in a dedicated session. (**Returning Fellows are required to serve as buddies and help coordinate the buddy group on the rapporteur work.)
      Details of activities will be discussed and coordinated with the Fellowship Committee and among your buddy groups.
  • Participate in the APrIGF Synthesis Document development process.
  • Help promote APrIGF and APSIG! For example, live tweet the event to increase engagement and draw attention to the conferences and events in real time; create posts/ blogs/ videos to share your learnings and opinions after attending sessions, etc.

Post Conference

  • Share your key takeaways or the issues highlighted from APrIGF and APSIG in any popular format, e.g. blog post, video log, recording, etc.
    Share it online with your community and send a link to the Secretariat within 2 weeks after the conference.
  • Complete a fellowship feedback survey within the specified deadline.
  • Participate in the post-conference buddy group call to review the program experience.
  • Consent to be added to the Fellows alumni network mailing list and social media groups.
  • Join the MSG as an Observer Member for 1 year at least.
  • Engage in local community development initiatives.

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the Secretariat at [email protected].

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