APrIGF 2023 Call For Session Proposals – Deadline Extended

May 5, 2023 | News

The APrIGF Program Committee would like to announce an extension to the call for session proposals to 14 May 2023 (Sun)
23:59 UTC

APrIGF 2023 is now calling for session proposals from the community under the overarching theme: Emerging Technologies – Is Asia Pacific Ready for the Next Phase of the Internet? APrIGF 2023 will be held in a hybrid format with the physical component in Brisbane, Australia. Proposals are sought under the thematic tracks of Access & Inclusion, Trust, and Sustainability.

For details on the call for proposals guideline, please visit: https://ap.rigf.asia/news/2023/aprigf-2023-call-for-session-proposals/ . For questions on how to submit, including how to reach in-region speakers, please contact the Secretariat at [email protected] . You may also subscribe to the discussion mailing list: https://ap.rigf.asia/join-us/.

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