APrIGF 2022 Election Process Announcement

Aug 19, 2022 | Elections, News

This is to announce the Election Process 2022 for the leadership position of Multistakeholder Steering Group (MSG).

Current leader has served for 1 term and is concluding after APrIGF 2022:

Vice Chair: Ms. Amrita Choudhury, CCAOI (Civil Society) (2020-2022)

Vacant Position:

  • Vice Chair of MSG (2022-2024)

According to the APrIGF Election Procedure, a call for Election Committee has been opened from 29 July (Tue) – 11 August (Thu) 2022. With consensus among the MSG, below are the final members of Election Committee 2022.

  • Mr. Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu, Bangladesh (Civil Society)
  • Ms. Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Australia (Civil Society)
  • Mr. Milan Raj Nepali, Nepal (Civil Society)

2022 Election Timeline

11 Aug (Thu) Appointment of the Election Committee
19 Aug (Fri) Nomination period opens
26 Aug (Fri) Announcement online and notification to ACTIVE MSG VOTING MEMBERS of their eligibility to vote (as per Election Rules and Procedure)
8 Sep (Thu) Nomination period closes
9 Sep (Fri) Announce final shortlisted candidates to MSG members
16 Sep (Fri) Opening date of voting period
22 Sep (Thu) Closing date of voting period
23 Sep (Fri) Announcement of the Final Election Result


Eligibility of Candidates

Candidates for leadership (Chair or Vice-Chair) in any election year are open to every MSG member as well as non-MSG members. However, it is desirable that all candidates possess the following qualifications.

  1. Must work and reside in the Asia Pacific region.
  2. Represent one of the listed stakeholders in Part 4 of Section 1 Operating Principles of APrIGF MSG (but not limited to the list).
  3. Volunteers who have been active in the APrIGF activities and the Internet Governance space.
  4. MSG members with leadership potential, who have demonstrated long term commitment to the MSG’s goals.
  5. In the event of conflict of interest, MSG member must declare their status at the earliest to the MSG Chair and the whole MSG as an act of good faith.

Term of Office

  1. The term of office for each position is two event cycles.
  2. All leadership positions will not exceed two consecutive terms (or four years duration).
  3. Returning leaders may choose to run for election again after one cycle (or two years) has elapsed since the last date of tenure (most recent ending term date) confirmed by the Secretariat.

Nomination Method:

Nominations of candidates should be made by submitting the name, organisation, stakeholder group, a short bio, email address AND a letter stating the acceptance of the nomination of the candidate to [email protected] ONLY before the nomination period closes. Self-nominations will also be accepted.

More information about the Operating Principles and Election Procedure of APrIGF MSG, please visit https://aprigf.asia/msg/.


Secretariat of APrIGF






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